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IP QUERIES addr Display IP Addresses and property information(abbreviation of address)ip addrShow information for all addressesip addr show dev em1Display information only for device em1 link Manage and display the state of all networkinterfacesip linkShow information for all interfacesip link show dev em1Display information only for device em1ip -s linkDisplay interface statistics route Display and ..

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SSH jump hosts are employed as an alternative to SSH tunneling to access internal machines through a gateway. The idea is to use ProxyCommand to automatically execute the ssh command on remote host to jump to the next host and forward all traffic through. Contents Prerequisites Configuration Single jump ProxyJump hosts can be defined inside each user’s SSH config file. FILE ~/.ssh/configProxyJump Example### ..

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Sometimes you get into a situation where you need to delete all files in a directory or simply cleanup a directory by removing all files except files of a given type (ending with a particular extension). In this article, we will show you how to delete files in a directory except certain file extensions or types using rm, find and globignore commands. ..

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Nowadays, more companies move their application to the cloud. Mostly on AWS, GCP or Azure. Using cloud infrastructure reduce their investment in hardware purchase or managing server infrastructure. Despite many benefits of running workload on the cloud, some companies opt to use a multi and/or a hybrid cloud approach. There are several reasons for this, ..

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Microservices often communicate with each other to fulfill complex business operations, creating security and scaling challenges. Mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS) can help. Here’s how to get started. Kubernetes, the de facto orchestration platform for containerized applications, provides a powerful environment for deploying and managing microservices. But as the number of interconnected services grows, the ..

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This guide walks you through how to configure strongSwan for integration with Google Cloud VPN. This information is provided as an example only. This guide is not meant to be a comprehensive overview of IPsec and assumes basic familiarity with the IPsec protocol. Environment overview The equipment used in the creation of this guide is as follows: Topology ..

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Before you begin Before shrinking a WSL2 virtual disk, you need to ensure that WSL2 is not running. You can check if it’s running with the command ‘wsl.exe –list –verbose‘ in PowerShell: PowerShell PS C:\Users\valorin> wsl.exe –list –verbose NAME STATE VERSION * WLinux Running 2 Debian Stopped 2 Ubuntu-18.04 Stopped 2 kali-linux Stopped 2 It ..

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Traditional storage management I use the phrase traditional storage management to describe the process of partitioning, formatting, and mounting storage capacity from a basic hard disk drive. I contrast this standard partitioning with an alternative method called Logical Volume Manager, or LVM. Storage space is typically managed based on the maximum capacity of individual hard disk drives. ..

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