Category : Uncategorized

Etcd Volume EncryptionYou must configure etcd volume encryption before bringing up your cluster. You cannot add etcd volume encryption to an already running cluster. Encrypting Etcd Volumes Using the Default AWS KMS KeyEdit your cluster to add encryptedVolume: true to each etcd volume: kops edit cluster ${CLUSTER_NAME} …etcdClusters:– etcdMembers:– instanceGroup: master-us-east-1aname: aencryptedVolume: truename: main– etcdMembers:– ..

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IFTOP Pre-requisite Install libpcap and libncurses Installation of the libpcap and libncurses library with YUM command as shown below for error-free iftop installation. # yum -y install libpcap libpcap-devel ncurses ncurses-devel Download and Install IFTOP Download iftop from it’s website with Wget command as shown below. # wget Follow the below all commands to install iftop. # tar -zxvf iftop-0.17.tar.gz # cd iftop-0.17 # ./configure ..

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. Nexus Provides a separate REST API to retrieve files when interpreting the maven-metadata.xml is required. The syntax looks like this: wget “” –content-disposition Where: If the version is not a concrete version, then Nexus will look in the maven-metadata.xml in the same way Maven does to resolve the version. The filename will be set in the content-disposition header ..

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Introduction A Linux host running rsyslog can send all or individual logs to another rsyslog host over a TCP or UDP connection. This is necessary to preserve the integrity of the log files if the host is ever compromised or provide a centralized location for managing the log files. Requirements Install Rsyslog Rsyslog will already likely be installed on ..

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Introduction SSH can handle authentication using a traditional username and password combination or by using a public and private key pair. The SSH key pair establishes trust between the client and server, thereby removing the need for a password during authentication. While not required, the SSH private key can be encrypted with a passphrase for ..

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Introduction Git is a release/version control system which has become an indispensable part of the programming process. It is a system that allows us to store and manage our projects remotely via the internet. This is safer than keeping project code on a local computer or external hard drive. Using version control allows you to save ..

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The grep utility provides users of most Unix-like operating systems with a tool to search and filter text using a common regular expression syntax. Indeed, grep is so ubiquitous that the verb “to grep” has emerged as a synonym for “to search.” grep is an ideal tool for finding all occurrences of a value in a selection of files, filtering a ..

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Introduction to WinSCP WinSCP is an open-source, free sftp and ftp client for Windows. Its main function is safe copying and transfer of files between local and remote computers. In this article we’ll talk about how to securely transfer files between your Windows machine and your server using the WinSCP application. We’ll also cover creating ..

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